For several years now we have provided strong closing arguments each week for you to use with your buyers and sellers. Yet, we have never provided our agents with a tool to track the use of these closes with specific buyers and sellers.
Keep in mind that the best way for you to get buyers to buy, is by presenting them with strong buying arguments over and over again. Remember, people learn through spaced repetition. Give your clients the same courtesy that you would want if you were slow to pick up a concept (like with your prospecting habits!!).
Use the same approach for your sellers. Provide them with point after point that reinforces the logic behind selling now at a fair price. Once again, keep in mind that sellers have developed a habit of waiting and the best way to change that habit and develop a new one is through spaced repetition. With your sellers, also keep in mind that one of the most effective ways to handle painful situations is to stay in denial. A seller can avoid confronting the loss of their homes value by pretending that their house is different. This changes, however, as soon as they accept your logic and agree to reduce the price. That can be a painful realization, so give them the courtesy of taking some time to adjust to the perceived loss.
Use the attached sheets to track the strategies that you’ve presented to every hot buyer, existing listings, and hot listing prospects. It’s important to fill in the date that you’ve used each argument and to document each argument by giving a copy of the argument, or the close, immediately after presenting it to your buyers and sellers. If you don’t do this, it doesn’t exist….. (if it isn’t in writing).
This is not an exercise or optional. It’s a highly efficient, mandatory approach to achieving top production.