Top 10 Business Priorities #3
Managing Hot Listing Prospects (HLP)

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You already have your existing listings and hot buyer prospects as the top priorities. It’s time to focus on the next most important group, your Hot Listing Prospects, or HLP’s.
Listing prospects are an important part of your sales pipeline. When you do a great job strategizing with your existing listings (EL), they’re going to sell. If you don’t have new listings being added to your business, not only will you lose the selling side of the business, you’ll also lose the buyer, who most often come from your listing. Don’t let this happen!
Hot listing prospect strategy should be an important part of each week’s priorities. Once a homeowner has expressed an interest in selling their home, they should be contacted on a weekly basis. This can be done by putting your listing prospects on the MLX property activity update. You should also send articles or other information that gently reminds your listing prospects that it makes sense to sell now (assuming it does make sense, of course).
You create a spreadsheet for a guide to track hot listing prospects. Be sure to include the projected sales price and commission potential. Seeing the amount you can earn if you list the property, and it sales, is a written affirmation that should be very motivating!
It’s also important to take the best listing prospects and identify each week the next step that you can take that’s most likely to help you get the listing agreement signed.