Marketing and advertising are critical to the success of any business, so it makes sense to maximize all marketing opportunities by making your communications as effective as possible.
Listed below, are three simple rules that must be applied to all marketing, advertising, and communications with your clients.
- Sizzling Title – Most of your clients are bombarded by dozens and dozens of emails, phone calls, and even text messages every day. The only way to stay up with all these forms of communications is to scan headlines and subjects to determine which are the most important. When you are advertising or otherwise communicating with existing clients and prospects, it’s imperative to use titles and headlines that will catch your recipients’ attention. Make them as catchy and interesting as possible. For example, instead of saying “Real Estate Market Update”, you could say something like; “Big Changes in the Real Estate Market”. Don’t be afraid to be a little cryptic in the message. Remember, your objective is to get the reader or recipient to want to read the rest of the advertisement or email.
- Turn the novel into a short story. You must have both interesting and concise content. The golden rule in marketing and advertising is KISS (Keep It Simple Salesman). This is probably the most violated rule in advertising communications. Many advertisements turn what should be a simple concept into a long, drawn-out dialogue.
- Strong call to action – This concept is also often overlooked in many advertisements and communications. It makes no sense to get a reader’s attention, have them enjoy your content, but yet never respond to you. You must motivate your recipients to want to contact you as soon as possible.