When you take the time, energy and effort to create a great postcard, e-mail or branding message, why not broadcast the message across all mediums to get the maximum benefit.
For example, you have created a direct mail Market Report from the analytical research you have done to track real estate trends year-over-year and have a forecast for what your clients can expect in the coming year. The cost to mail the report is very expensive, but the cost of sharing the information with your sphere of influence is not.
You can maximize the power of the message by doing the following:
- Use the information as talking points with your Sphere of Influence as a great way to reconnect with them.
- Use the information in all social situations to talk about real estate and gather e-mail addresses
- Create a digital report and e-blast everyone in your CRM for Free
- Post key information from the report on social media
- Where applicable use the information in print ads
You now have an exponential return for the time you have spent creating a great message. Using this approach for all of the material you are creating to manage your 24 Annual Touch Campaign with all of your contacts, is one of the best ways to grow your business.