Business Management – Shake Off Those Summer Blues
For most of us, it was a good summer, but the dog days of summer have come and gone. During the summer, it can be difficult to juggle personal obligations, vacations, and family time with business responsibilities. After summer, it can also be difficult to get back into the swing of things.
For agents that have been actively working, you’ve probably struggled to communicate with Hot Buyers (HB’s), Hot Listing Prospects (HLP’s) and even clients that are under contract (Pending HB’s &HLP’s), and owners of present listings (EL’s). This should come as no surprise. Your prospects lack of communication in the summer doesn’t mean they’re not interested. It just means they haven’t been able to make you a priority (20%’er) because of all the summer activities that needed to be fit into their schedule.
If it’s been difficult for you to concentrate on business, it stands to reason that many of your clients have been dealing with the same struggle. It’s important to recognize, now that it’s
ing to negotiation during season.”
And, with prospective sellers:
“Activity has been great. The best time to sell is when everyone is buying since we don’t know what the future will hold.”
It takes most professionals several weeks to regain momentum lost during the summer, but if you jump back into business with both feet before your competition, you’ll get a big jump on them.