Life as a salesman and an entrepreneur is like being on a roller coaster. The highs are fantastic. You can earn hundreds of dollars an hour, even more, you can work when you want and nobody is telling you what to do. The rush that comes from being on top is exhilarating. You become what
some people refer to as an “adrenaline junkie.” You can hardly wait for the next high.
Then, in an instant, the euphoria is gone and the lows set in. The big deal you had working falls apart. Your best prospects seem to disappear and you get whacked with a big, unanticipated expense. You step up the pace, working 24/7, but can’t seem to shake the rut you’re in. You feel rejected and dejected and wonder why you ever decided to go into business for yourself. You wish you could be like all those people that work a regular schedule and
collect a regular check.
Is getting off the roller coaster to ride the merry-go-round what you really want? True, the sense of security is much stronger on the merry-go-round and you don’t have to worry about sinking into the depths of depression. But, you also never have that feeling of excitement you get from rocketing along at a high rate of speed while you reach fabulous highs. There’s a reason entrepreneurs and salesman can make so much darn money. It’s because you have to be able to deal with the emotional highs and lows that come with the job. Sure, they can be discouraging, but can you really see yourself punching the clock day after day for the same money week after week, just going round and round and round??
Besides, can you really be happy jumping off a roller coaster knowing that for the rest of your life you’ll be riding a merry-go-round that just goes round and round and round? The answer to that question should be obvious. Rather than dwelling on the lows each time they come, remind yourself that the highs are just around the next corner. Just sit back and enjoy. In our profession, you’re in for one wild, very satisfying ride!