A common problem facing everyone in sales involves getting prospective clients to return phone calls. It’s not uncommon for agents to feel like a prospect is avoiding them when they’ve left several messages and don’t get a response. And, it’s true that some people are just plain rude and will ignore you if they’ve decided against doing business. On the other hand, most of the time the prospect that has gone to the trouble of seeking you out is someone that’s worth the trouble. It just may be that you or their real estate dealings are just not on their 20% priority list at that particular moment.
By leaving a most interesting or very intriguing message that expresses how they could benefit by returning the call, you can jump to the top of your buyers and sellers list. But, you have to make certain the message is about them and is exciting. As a guide, feel free to get ideas from the examples below. And remember, boring, conservative messages lead to boring, conservative conversations and relationships (does that sound like the kind of phone message you’d want to return?) So, do your best to put some excitement into your prospect’s life!
- Ask, “does the headline sell the newspaper?”
- It must be different than everything else they hear.
- Must be:
- Cryptic
- Sensational
- Have call to action
- Don’t convey too much information.
- Important info…don’t miss out.
- I found out about a house and can’t believe how perfect it is.
- I would like to talk to you about the highly motivated seller price.
- I found a steal of a deal.
- It won’t last, call me now!
- Property just came on the market, and it won’t be here long.
- I found something right up your alley and budget. Call me!
- Real treasure.
- Must talk to you about a 20% under market.
- I’m calling you first.
- Wait until you hear about…
- I haven’t seen a 3 bedroom like this since 1986.
- Just got info on exactly what you’re looking for. Call so we don’t miss it.
- I’m really psyched about what I found for you. Call ASAP!
- For Internet leads – call while looking (20%).
- Call me about waterfront fire sales.
- If you’re thinking about _______ we must talk now!
- Use a topic or motif that fits the client (i.e. fishing).
- Train whistle in the background during call for impact.