Don’t Miss This Opportunity with Frustrated Sellers
If you’re anxious to secure more listings, you should consider the following scenario from a seller’s perspective:
You’re selling your home. Your property has been listed for a while. You’re anxious to sell and get on with your life but want to get your price. Every day, you read about great things that are happening in real estate. It seems like everybody is selling but you. Your listing agreement is almost up and season is about to end. All you can think of is how little your listing agent has done for you. Now, it looks like you may be stuck waiting another year before your property will sell. You know it’s time to change your strategy because the definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing over and over again expecting something to change. You decide that you are going to be reasonable with the price and lower it. You’re not sure if your agent has been part of the problem, so you’re not going to take another chance and relist with them. You’re going to change your agent too.
As you review the above scenario, you should be asking yourself two questions:
- “Do I have any sellers that fit into the above scenario?” If so, now is the time to reinforce the relationship and get them to price reduce.
- “How many other sellers are ready to make a change, now that season is over?” This is an ideal time for agents to publicize their success using a print advertising or direct mail campaign.
You’ve been exposed to both the risk and the opportunity. Make them both work for you!